Posts tagged backlink
How to check if your Squarespace website has any backlinks / inbound links

🎵 Let’s get down, let’s get down to…. backlinks! 🎵

Lollllll sorry not sorry I’ve got Tiesto’s tunes on the brain today!

Jokes aside, if you’ve ever perused my website you’ll know that I LOVE backlinks and am aways preaching how they’re an often overlooked pillar of Squarespace SEO.

Anytime another website links to yours, it’s a backlink (also known as an inbound link). In Google’s eyes, backlinks indicate that your website is legit and has authority because otherwise no one would be linking to you. So, if search engines see that your website has lots of backlinks from credible, high quality websites, they will reward you for this.

Which brings us to today’s blog post/video tutorial topic! Today, I’m going to show you the super quick & deada$$ simple way to see if your Squarespace website has any backlinks!

You want them, you need them… but do you already have them? Have you been oblivious to the fact that you already have backlinks working in your favour? Or is your website an island alone in the interwebs, completely unconnected to anyone else?

Follow my simple steps and you’ll know for sure!

As a Squarespace SEO expert and leader in this super random little niche, it’s my job/pleasure to introduce you to things like this and present it in a way that makes you think, OK hunni I can handle this!

This is the kind of insider info that I share with my Squarespace SEO consulting clients and students in my online course, Top Squarespace SEO. But since I’m not one for secrets and truly want the best for anyone with a website, I’m giving you the summarized goods here - totally for free!

Read the blog post or watch the video tutorial below - either way, take a look at the back end of your Squarespace website to see if you have any backlinks.

Some of you reading this might be totally new to Squarespace SEO and are looking for an introduction to this topic, someone to hold your hand and show you it’s not actually that scary. On the flip side, you might already be familiar with a few points on this list already but maybe you are looking for confirmation that you’re on the right track and haven’t missed anything important. No matter where you are in your Squarespace SEO journey, I know you’ll benefit from this info!

Alright, now that you’ve got that song stuck in your head and you’re hyped for this quick win on the Squarespace SEO front, let’s get straight to it - read the post and watch the video tutorial below to check if there are any inbound links to your Squarespace website!

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Can SEO really drive more leads for your services-based business?

I’ve written before about why every services-based business needs an SEO strategy and I was happy to see that that blog post struck a chord with my of my readers. I received quite a few comments and emails about that blog post - people liked the post but they wanted to learn more about how to actually APPLY that strategy.

The number one question I received was “How can I use SEO to drive more sales/book more discovery calls for my services-based business?”. Fantastic question and I’m super excited to answer that in today’s follow up blog post!

Most of my clients are services-based business owners. I’d say about half of them run their businesses entirely online and rarely work with in-person clients, whereas the other half serve local clients and rely on their website to serve as their “online home”.

In both cases, these services-based business use their websites as a way to connect with their (potential, current and past) clients and customers, and promote their offerings online.

Services based businesses serve a whole variety of industries - we’re talking law firms, accountants, engineers, plumbers, florists, personal trainers, coaches, photographers, consultants, PR pros, social media managers, graphic designers, gardeners, dog walkers, psychics, bakeries, physiotherapists - you name it, the list goes on.

Some of these services must be performed in person (e.g., dog walkers, massage therapists, gardeners, etc.) but others can be done either in-person OR online/remotely (e.g., consultants, personal trainers, graphic designers, etc.).

Services based businesses can be one-off projects or ongoing, recurring services…. really, the sky’s the limit and there’s a huge amount of flexibility in services-based business models!

Almost all services based businesses, however, have a website. At this point, it’s pretty much a requirement because hardly anyone (except your granny) is going old school and looking up businesses in a physical phone book. Yes, we still rely on word of mouth and recommendations from our friends and family, but the trend is increasingly to connect with businesses online. More often than not, we check out a business’ website and then get in touch if we want to work with them.

But having a website doesn’t guarantee that potential clients and customers will find out about your business- far from it, in fact. All websites are not created equally! Different types of websites work in different ways. The requirements and strategy for a services-based business website is going to be totally different from a e-commerce shop or website that sells digital/physical products. Not only will the look & feel of these websites be different, so too will the SEO strategy and goals.

SEO can act as the perfect bridge between a website (think: business) and an online audience (think: future clients/customers). It’s the pathway that warms up a potential client to inquire about your service and ultimately book you out.

You already know that I’m a firm believer that every services based business needs and SEO strategy and beyond that, I know that SEO can directly drive leads and grow your business. SEO will help grow your website but it also connects you to a much wider online audience who can potentially become paying clients and customers. Which, if you’re running a services based business, is the ultimate goal!

In this blog post, I’m going to show you exactly how SEO can drive leads for your services-based business. Whether your website is on Squarespace or another platform, the goals and outcome will be the same.

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Do these 7 things to instantly improve Squarespace SEO

Ahhh, SEO.

Those three little letters are enough to cause panic, doubt and frustration in most website owners around. And for good reason, I might add!

We all want more eyes on our Squarespace websites, but once the basic settings have been taken care of, what should you focus on next? 

I'm here to guide you through 7 things you can work on TODAY that will instantly improve Squarespace SEO because I want to make that super easy for you.

These tips are meant to be actionable steps you can actually do yourself, because I have zero interest in making you feel overwhelmed or like I'm adding extra work to your plate. SEO takes time and effort but trust me, it pays off.

Once you start working your way through these points, you'll see great improvements to your Squarespace website's SEO in no time at all! And once that's covered, you'll be able to move onto more advanced SEO strategies while feeling confident that you've got the basics covered.

Pull up a seat and open your notebook, it's time to get started!

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