Did you know Squarespace has an Analytics App?

Squarespace analytics mobile app | Squarespace SEO Series

Did you know that Squarespace has an Analytics Mobile App?

My friends! It has come to my attention that no everyone is as obsessed with Squarespace as I am and as such, they aren’t fully aware of all the features available! The horror.

Jokes aside, I use and love the Squarespace analytics app all the time and want to make sure it’s on your radar too.

As a web designer/developer, I work with Squarespace literally every day which means I know the platform inside out, like the label of my favourite green juice. That’s great because it makes things super easy, speedy and straightforward for me but I sometimes forget that not everyone has the same deep understanding of Squarespace that I do!

I was recently wrapping up a website project training session with a client and in an offhand comment mentioned the Squarespace analytics app. It was clear that this was the first she was hearing of my (beloved) app and I was happy to spread the love and encourage her to use it! Now i’m doing the same here, with you :)

Depending on how much of a Squarespace junkie you are, today’s post might be an intro to the app or a friendly reminder to actually log in and check your stats. Either way, I hope you learn something new and get more out of your Squarespace account!

Quick note: I have zero official affiliation with Squarespace and they aren’t incentivizing me to share this post or information with you. I’m honestly just a fan who wants to make sure you get the most out of your Squarespace website and account. This is an app that I personally use and love!

Let’s take a look at the mobile app now, shall we?

Squarespace Analytics App - the basics

The Squarespace Analytics App is available for FREE download for IOS and Android. It lets you view the data and statistics for your Squarespace site from a mobile device (think: smart phone or tablet). You must have a certain permission level to use the app, as well as internet connection in order to view and refresh the latest (up to date) data.

Here are some screenshots I pulled from Squarespace’s website so that you can see the app in action:

What analytics does the app show?

The app shows the same data that you can see in the Analytics section when you’re logged into your Squarespace website on a desktop. The app is a great way to learn how visitors interact with your site, all from the convenience of your mobile device. Different Squarespace plans present different data in the app so that you can see and focus on the information that actually matters to you. For example, if you have the commerce plan you’ll be able to see sales stats. If you primarily use your Squarespace website to blog and share content, you’ll be able to see what content is most popular and how people are viewing it.

Related: How to use Squarespace analytics to better understand your website’s audience

Different analytics on desktop vs in the app

You’ll pretty much see the same information reflected in the app and what you can see on a desktop, although there are a few differences. As per Squarespace’s website:

  • "The app doesn’t include cards for Search Engine Queries or Site Search Queries.

  • The app includes separate cards for Device Type and Top Products. You can find these statistics on a desktop, but they aren’t in their own panels.

The Popular Content and RSS Subscribers cards use different filters on a desktop, so your data might look different when switching between the two applications."

In summary : it’s basically the same.

How to get the Squarespace Analytics App

To get the Squarespace analytics app, simply download for IOS or Android then follow the prompts to login to your account (or start a new one). You will then choose or select the site from your account to synch with the app. Note: you can only synch and view ONE site at a time with the app, which is worth considering if you have multiple sites under one account.

Squarespace app ratings

As mentioned above, the app is free and has great ratings (see above). It was also redesigned and given a total overhaul in November 2017 so you’re dealing with an app that is still current and up to date. 

Here’s what I love about the Squarespace Analytics App

In mere seconds, I can check key metrics and get data driven insights that affect my business. Whether you want a bird’s eye view or a deep dive into the analytics of your Squarespace website, it’s all available in the app. Either way, the information is easy to access and very actionable.

I use the app to monitor traffic sources and trends, see visitor trends (who are they? where do they come from? how are they viewing my website), track revenue from my products, look at conversion rates, get a sales overview, compare time periods, and a whole lot more. 

Squarespace is an "all in one" platform and this analytics app is an extension of that functionality. There is a slight learning curve to using the app (if you’ve never dabbled in analytics before, you might be like “wow, this is a lot” but personally I think it’s wayyyyyy easier than trying to figure out Google Analytics. People struggle with GA all the time and the Squarespace Analytics App is a solid alternative and valuable feature of their package. I figure if you’re paying for it in your monthly/annual fee, might as well use it! 

On a personal level, I really like that the app is simple, has a nice design, is easy to use and shows me what I need to know WITHOUT extra clutter. The interface works well on a small screen and you don’t lose any functionality. I love customizing the different view and date ranges to see how my site is doing at specific times, especially if I’m focusing on content creation or email marketing.

Why should you care about your Squarespace website’s analytics?

Oh man, I could write a book about this haha! Basically, many small or medium sized businesses (and websites) mistakenly think that they can just put up a professional website and let it do it’s thing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that simply isn’t true! 

If you want to have a real understanding of how your website is growing, who your customers are, where your business opportunities are and how you can improve your online presence, you MSUT pay attention to the data. The good thing is that you, your business website and your customers are all generating a whole whack of data, and having it all available in the app means that you can easily access and process that info. Analyze this info, use the insights it provides, and before you know it you’ll be reaping the rewards. 

Related: How to use Squarespace analytics to better understand your website’s audience

Final Thoughts

I hope this post doesn’t come across as a sales pitch or too much fan girl-ing, I genuinely hope you use the app and get the most out of your Squarespace website! I figure the app is free to download and offers a TON of value, so why shouldn’t you use it? There is a whole load of information there waiting to be turned into insights, and you never know what little stat could change things up and improve your website! We all want our websites to grow and having a solid understanding of your analytics is a major factor in getting there. 

As they say, “what gets measured gets managed”!

Tell me, do you use the Squarespace Analytics App? Did you even know it existed or is this totally news to you? What insights do you creep on the regular and how has it affected your website? I’d love to know so leave me a note in the comments below!

Want to create your own stunning, professional Squarespace website? I build custom sites and I’d love to work with you. If you’d rather take the DIY route, I highly recommend the online course Website that Wows. It's a simple, step-by-step program designed to help coaches and service-based entrepreneurs create their own client-winning website from scratch. Plus, it's beginner-friendly with no coding required! You can start with a free trial here.


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