5 tips for attending a tech event

5 tips for attending a tech event | charlotte o'hara

If you're lucky enough to live in a city with a booming tech industry, like I do (Vancouver, holla!), it can feel like there's something going on every night of the week. Probably because there is! Whether it's an industry mixer, an informational event, a company's open house, or a large-scale tech conference, there's no shortage of ways to get involved in the local scene.

But does that mean that you're doomed if you DON'T live in a tech hub? Are you automatically at a disadvantage if you want to make it in our field outside of these areas? Are your chances of becoming a quality web designer/developer lower from the start?

NOPE, nope nope!

Thanks to the internet, information is instantly accessible to anyone, anywhere in a way that has never been seen before. This means that even if you don't live in a major area where tech events are happening every night of the week, you can still get the Coles Notes of these events with a little research! 

Related : How to nail your next tech networking event

I recently attended a wonderful event called "Driving WinTech for Women in Tech - Community Conversation" and had a blast listening to the expert panel and participating in the discussions and working sessions. They are making their way across Canada over the next few months, collecting data and holding similar events in cities across the country. Be sure to check them out when they pass through your city!

Here's a pic I snapped from the event which I shared on Twitter:

I love getting out to local tech events and there's nothing better than surrounding yourself with other kick-ass women who are leading the way in our industry.

Want to read another tech event recap? I've got you covered.

Attending this event got me thinking about what a hot mess I was when I first started attending tech events. I would get super nervous and anxious for days ahead of the event, and when I finally dragged myself through the doors, I would hover around the exit with a warm drink in my hand without saying a word to anyone. I've come a long way since those early days and now I actually enjoy and look forward to them! The more events you go to, the more people you meet and friends you made, and before long these tech events start to be FUN!

I decided to record this video to share my top 5 tips for attending a tech event and I hope you find them useful and applicable!

5 Tips for attending tech events

This video covers the following 5 tips:

  • Sign up and GO
  • Push through any feelings of imposter syndrome
  • Participate
  • Network authentically
  • Follow up

I also share my email templates so that you can follow up after a tech event the RIGHT way. I mentioned those email templates in the video and you can grab them (for free!) below.

Follow up after a tech event the RIGHT way!

Final Thoughts

If you're thinking about attending a tech event, SIGN UP today and go! I can't recommend them enough, you will get so much out of it.

Many people don't go to these events because they are nervous, anxious, or are crippled with imposter syndrome, but don't let that be you! Push out of your comfort zone and give tech events a try - I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised by how fun they are and how nice everyone is!

Don't forget that I created a set of email templates so that you can follow up with your new industry friends and contacts the RIGHT way after a tech event. You can grab your copy below and it'll be delivered straight to your inbox!

Now it's your turn to tell me, have you ever attended a tech event? Do you get nervous before these events or are you pretty relaxed? What's your favourite type or style of tech event? How do you follow up with your new friends and contacts after the event is over? I'd love to know so leave me a note in the comments!


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